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*Coffee House*

This is my collection of poems. Some are written by me or my friends and some of them I just really liked! :) Lemme know what you think of them (cause if you really don't like it I'll probably take it off my page.)

*I Love You*

Through all the tough times
and hard things we go through,
I swear to the stars above
that I will always love you.

When things seem to go wrong,
and our thoughts are a bit unclear,
I'll give you space - wait...
I will not shed a tear.

Even though I love you,
you may not see
that no matter what happens,
you'll always mean the world to me.

*See You Soon*

We went to a party
and had a little too much to drink.
Someone offered to drive us home,
but we hopped into the car and didn't think.

At first it was funny.
I could hardly stay awake.
It was already past our curfew,
and speeding was a huge mistake.

We flew around the corner,
and hit a car head on.
The tired screeched, the windows shattered,
but soon the sounds were gone.

Now everything seems so quiet,
and suprisingly there's not pain.
But I can hear a voice say,
"This is how she might remain."

Why is everything so dark?
Why can't I see?
"Her friend's dead," I hear.
"No." I think, "This can't be."

Suddenly I see my parents,
yet I realize I cannot stay.
I whisper, "I'll see you soon."
As everything fades away.

*Suicidal Thoughts*

I don't think I can sit here
and live life day by day.
It just takes too much effort
in work and in play.

Somedays I don't feel quite myself
and it seems I'm not even here.
I don't know what to think anymore,
my life seems so unclear.

At times I just feel so sad
and can't do anything but cry.
I scream and wallow in all my pain,
and only wish that I would die.

But I'm too scared to do anything.
My whole life is a lie.
So I can only ask one question:


I would swear I was adopted
if this is the family I have.
Because I am so unlike them,
none of their qualities are bad.

By bad I mean not "good-two-shoes".
They are all just too sweet.
I feel like the outcast,
my life is incomplete.

But now I am surrounded
by strangers as I see.
Is it really true,
I'm from this sweet family?

*Looking From Behind*

Watching from a distance,
like a wild fantasy,
all that is happening,
everything around me.

The colors move so swiftly,
and everything's unreal.
I must be invisible,
for I do not touch or feel.

Can I be a doer,
or just a watcher instead?
Will I ever feel like I'm living,
or always seem I'm dead?


Do they really care
about the hearts they break?
Are their feelings true,
or are they all just fake?

They can make you feel
all warm and good inside,
and when you find the truth,
all your courage has died.

You are too afraid to leave them
because you don't know how
to live your life without them.
What do you do now?

So never fall inlove
unless you know for sure,
that until "death do you part"
all their feelings will be pure.

*The Choices You Make*

You can't choose who you love
but you can choose if you let them know.

You can't choose how they feel
but you can choose not to let your sorrow show.

You can't choose if you'll love again
but you can choose what you'll do
to mend your broken heart
and not feel down and blue.